Friday, September 26, 2008

Daddy can fix it!

We are in the midst of clearing the house of all the things we have outgrown, no longer need, or could be of better use to someone else. I have packed 6 huge rubbish bags so far, and I have a feeling, I will probably end up doing about 6 more! I am being totally ruthless, partly because we are moving soon, and I don't want to pack anything I don't need to and also...because I really do have dreams of living in a totally uncluttered home. Although my thrifting habits might not exactly give you that impression...but really I think you would be impressed, I have honed it into a craft that is actually saving money...really.

It has been a bit of a crazy week, Tuesday....when I went to pick up Daniel from school, I found him, sitting sadly be the door, his teacher wiping off her shoes. The teacher said he had been just fine most of the day, but towards the end was looking a bit queasy ...when all of a sudden he just lost his lunch all over his teachers shoes...I felt so bad for the both of them it was a bit of a mess, so we came home and Daniel just sleep the rest of the day, meanwhile this nasty bug was reeking havoc with the rest of us...not fun. But we are recovering...

The kids were helping me today tidy up, and we were talking about what things could go to the charity shop and what could be tossed, so I left Jesse and Daniel to sort through their things, as I was in the other room I could hear them talking, Jesse would say "Broken!" and Daniel would say "That's o.k. daddy can fix it." The doll house has a huge dent...Daddy can fix it! The crocodile's tail is hanging by a thread...daddy can fix it. Their harmonica is coming apart from one intense jam...daddy can fix it. I hear them talking, from the next room...and I am happy. For now daddy can fix everything...that is how they see their dad, and it makes me glad...and reminds me we have a Father that looks out for us too!

1 comment:

Aleta said...

Encouraging post! Thank you!