Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Interview with the Artist

So is this your first exhibition in London?

Yes, I did a show is California recently, however my work was too avant garde for the orange county crowd. But I feel the British public will better appreciate the political tone in the piece.

So what is the title of this painting?

I'm calling it "Don't Tell the Landlord"

Who are you're influences?

Dali...Auntie Father....he is an amazing artist...Banksy...and oh Yes, Elmo's earlier works.

Any new exhibitions planned in the near future?

Why yes, I'm preparing a show in my bedroom where all the murals are painted with just my dirty feet. It will be ready in the autumn. Hope to see you there...

Interview With a Baby

So Jesse you're looking stylish today. Who are you wearing this evening?

Jesse: Oh Thanks, I'm in a limited edition Rosalind Munoz Vintage Jumper. It was hand sewn nearly 30 years ago. My dad, my auntie, and my brother wore it. But I look the best so far!

I notice you also have a retro accessory to go with the outfit.

Yes it's a Gumby reissue. I have Pokey as well, but his head doesn't fit as nicely into my mouth.

I heard from a few sources that you have grown your first tooth. Is there any truth to that?
That Gumby has a big mouth! But yes, it's true. On the bottom left. I'll use it to get revenge on that red-eyed blabber mouth.

So what are your plans for the Summer?
Well I plan to do a bit of traveling you know...I'm so bored with the living room I think I'll head out east to my parents room and see all the undiscovered sites under the bed. Or maybe north to the patio. I hear it's nice this time of year...

Any final thoughts?
Yeah just a shout out to my cousin's Adi, Sammy, Bella and the new baby due in October...Peace Out!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pamela Preaches Up a Storm!

Wow! I am still settling down from the thrill of seeing my beautiful wife lay down the word at our church service today. God really used her to stir peoples hearts today to get real with Him. More than a few tears were shed at the end and some great healing took place in peoples lives.

Daniel and Jesse both wore the black shirts that say "MOM" to show their support. It was a miracle that Daniel slept through the whole service too. Jesse didn't even get fussy once. Leaving Pamela with the freedom to speak her heart and mind without having to worry about diaper changes and breast feeding. Recorded it all on mp3: So anyone interested just email me...

After some powerful prayer time we packed up the gear and went to Nando's with some friends fromFreedomhouse. It was an unusually sunny afternoon for this summer so we ate outside. An end to an awesome Sunday!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Switching roles...

Well this week the Mr. and Mrs. munoz have switched roles, Brandon has been taking care of the Kids, while I have been preparing to speak on Sunday...

Today Brandon took the Kids to the London Zoo, where Daniel Saw the Gorillas up close and tried to wake them up by calling out to them "ooh ooh ooh oooh!"

Jesse slept through alot of the monkey business... they all went to a "Rhyme Time" at our local Library where Daniel got bored and wandered off to the play kitchen and cooked food for everyone, Meanwhile Jesse was crawling around exploring and trying to make friends...

Thank you to abuelita who sent these yogurt covered pretzels along with alot of other goodies, Jesse loved sucking all the yogurt off the pretzels.

Here is the face he made when he was told there where no more!

Monday, July 16, 2007

,,,Out of the Fog

Hey everyone...the fog is beginning to lift...we are finally crawling out of the baby cave.
This last year has been an intense flood of changes with our family and ministry here in London.
After finally having our Internet hooked up, in what is now our 4th flat, we thought it would be good to catch up with the rest of the world! With this Blog and some other things to come, we look forward to giving our friends and family an inside view of our adventures he in London.

Here we go...

It is Monday and here in the Munoz house that is family day! Our weekends are always full-on with Outreaches, Fellowship stuff and Church services. So we take a "Sabbath" when most of the world is back on the grind.

Today we'll continue our many furniture projects that we started before we moved. So far we've completed Daniels new bed, creative centre and some shelves. (Pic included) We've also managed to find some great director style chairs someone had tossed out in the "Skip" over the weekend. But really they were very clean trust me. Only one of them needed a bit of glue and clamping. So thanks to whoever you are for the new comfy chairs!
"Just working on some beats"

Last night Daniel had a bad nightmare that took awhile to recover from. But was up bright and early asking for his favourite treat, yogurt. Jesse is now a crawling machine! Biting, grabbing and discovering the world with his gums. Pamela is finally starting to use a teapot I gave her 5 yeas ago! It's great for Monday morning tea by the window.

Comfy in the new chair

Thanks for being patient with us during these last months of silence. And please feel free to correspond and let us know what's happening with you!