Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Switching roles...

Well this week the Mr. and Mrs. munoz have switched roles, Brandon has been taking care of the Kids, while I have been preparing to speak on Sunday...

Today Brandon took the Kids to the London Zoo, where Daniel Saw the Gorillas up close and tried to wake them up by calling out to them "ooh ooh ooh oooh!"

Jesse slept through alot of the monkey business... they all went to a "Rhyme Time" at our local Library where Daniel got bored and wandered off to the play kitchen and cooked food for everyone, Meanwhile Jesse was crawling around exploring and trying to make friends...

Thank you to abuelita who sent these yogurt covered pretzels along with alot of other goodies, Jesse loved sucking all the yogurt off the pretzels.

Here is the face he made when he was told there where no more!

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