Thursday, May 15, 2008

We made it...

*We made it safe and sound, we are now at my moms...having some tea here.

*Jesse has so far had his belly stuck IN the seat belt clasp, fallen into rose bushes and had 3 thorns removed from his bleeding face, and has had an allergic reaction to some face cream...

*Daniel and his cousin Addy have gone orange picking in Nana Lucy's back yard...came back smiling and dirty with a bag full.

So we are off to the church now, gonna see Pastor Carl and the gang at church, yeah!
Off to have more fun...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

You take the good, you take the bad...and the messy...

The other day as I was shopping for fruit and snacks for the kids, I noticed a little bin I had never seen before, it was a clearance bin for flowers hidden behind some balloons, there sat this sweet little bouquet of green buds, for only a few I treated myself to some flowers!

Just a moment of peace...until I spot whats happening in the kitchen...

That's Jesse in the back with 6 more ready to go...


"Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."

This scripture has been on my mind and heart lately, and I have been trying to understand what it really means for me at the moment...I know that it gives me comfort and that it lifts me when things get a bit heavy, so I just like to meditate on it. I found this in something I was reading:

"to enjoy a calm confidence" in regards to the "be still". I like that...
so I wrote a little reminder where I can see it everyday. I painted my little stool with chalk paint, and got a chalk pen...

...and another reminder along the same lines... here is a scarf I found in the charity shop...just added a little portrait of us as birds...being still.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Lucha Libre...

These boys of mine seem to never run out of fuel...I find myself trying to find ways to wear them out. We turn up the radio and dance to oldies, we play simon says...where simon says jump up and down about every other command, and we wrestle. Which is by far their favorite, I have stopped trying to get them to calm down...and our days are a bit easier that way...we seem to understand each other a bit more.

So here we are in our gear, getting ready to rumble.

Creature Workshop...

Now that Jesse understands that playdough is not food, we have been able to bring it down from the top shelf... here are a few of their latest creations. They where getting really frusterated that none of the things they made looked like what they where trying to make. So they pop on Mr.Potato head bits & bobs on and there you go...instant little creatures.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Oh yeah...

Forgot to put up this pic....doesn't it kind of look like Daniel?

Monday, May 5, 2008

Under a bridge downtown...

We had a great Bank Holiday weekend, the weather was amazing and it drew us out. I think it really lifted our spirits, and we totally needed just some time to enjoy this city and each has just been a bit stressful planning the Pentecost Festival. Yesterday we went to go check out, the Cans festival, it was some kind of stenciling street party. The kids got so excited when the saw they could actually play on this art. It was such a strange thing to see, kids playing on some ghetto playhouse, people sitting on velvet couches next to a blown up image of the queen, and "police officers" walking around with jackets that said "polite" instead of police. Pretty random, but considering it was all under a bridge downtown, what are you to expect?

There was also some kind of food festival going on too, and they were giving out these huge Lolly's to the kids...they got so excited...until this both of them... overall a great time only these tears at the end.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Miscellaneous Moments...

Canterbury Cathedral

Too big for the baby chair...

...way too big!

Looking good for a party

Watching old Superman cartoons

Lean on me...


Brandon kept telling us about this tree he saw a while back, he painted such a picture, that we made a little family excursion to go check it out for ourselves. Pretty awesome! I have never seen anything like it in real life. It reminds me of one of Adams messages back in our youthaflame days, when he talked about roots growing through pipes...pretty crazy. I love seeing my little man next to this tree...he was so drawn to it was some kind of riddle.