Thursday, May 15, 2008

We made it...

*We made it safe and sound, we are now at my moms...having some tea here.

*Jesse has so far had his belly stuck IN the seat belt clasp, fallen into rose bushes and had 3 thorns removed from his bleeding face, and has had an allergic reaction to some face cream...

*Daniel and his cousin Addy have gone orange picking in Nana Lucy's back yard...came back smiling and dirty with a bag full.

So we are off to the church now, gonna see Pastor Carl and the gang at church, yeah!
Off to have more fun...


Aleta said...

Heyheyhey! Eagerly waiting for new posts... ! - Oh, and I love about the picture on facebook not just your lovely son, but Brandons really cool David Bowie T-shirt!!!! :)

Unknown said...

Post some new outside photos while the sun is still shining. Tell the "bad guys" I said Hi.

Papa Vic