Monday, October 15, 2007

Went out today with they boys today to get our Visa pictures taken...simple enough you might think? It was crazy! Daniel fell asleep on the way, so we thought it best to let him sleep a bit so he would be well rested and bright for his photo. Well hours later he still showed no signs of waking, so we thought we would gently wake him...
He woke up in the worst of moods, and would not cooperate in the least. The whole photo shop came to a halt, as nearly everyone there turned to see who was torturing this child, they proceeded at making many attempts of cheering him up, but to no avail.
There were offers of Chocolate, hugs, puppies and kittens, but Daniel insistently shouted No!!! So we left and figured we should relieve these poor people...

One walk, and a happy meal later he was in a much better mood...until we entered to photo shop, and once more he made it very clear we was not going to be taking any pictures...So, while the rest of us are ready with Visa applications, pictures and all, Daniel may just be seeing you all a bit sooner than expected...

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