Well lets see, it has been a bit since the last blog so I thought I should recap on all the things that are going on in the Munoz House...
1. MINE! is the word of the moment, It can be heard morning noon and night, as Daniel shouts this while pouting his lips and scrunching his eyebrows. He is now 39 inches! Very much a big boy, current favorites, Naccchhhooo! (Loves practicing all his wrestling moves with daddy and occasionally Jesse.) string cheese, drawing boats, playing with play dough and "cooking".
2. Jesse is quickly catching up to Daniel has been "cruising" for sometime now and is practicing letting go. Everything is still going in the mouth for some taste testing...and he is very much still mama's boy, glued to either, my hip, back (in baby carrier) or feet.
3. We have been trying to take advantage of the last days of sun still left, and have been exploring the city. Had lots of fun with some sculptures in Reagents Park,
4. Brandon is still sporting the 30- something manly man beard...how long will it grow? It has grown past the prickly phase and has become alot softer...but it still has the boys squirming away when daddy tries to kiss them.qd
5. As for me, apart from keeping my head above water with these taking care of these three boys, I'm feeling a bit adventerous these days. Trying new things and going places I've never been on my own. Last Wednesday I went to a women's bible study in the city where I met alot of interesting women from all walks of life. I felt a bit out of place at first, but I'm beginning to appreciate my role as a missionary mum from California in Camden. While I might not be a perfect match for the many parenting styles or latest trends out here, I think I'm finding my niche. I'm having fun, discovering and allowing myself the opportunity to be the mum I want to be...
Looks like it's getting cold fast there. Abuelita saw Jesse is wearing the Robot pajamas and Daniel is wearing the new sweatshirt. The boys are growing fast. The terrible 2's don't stop when they turn 3.
ahhh, you gotta love the "mine" phase..or Mia in spanish, as i now know there is a dog in mexico called mia, cos the kids said it was mine (theirs) plus you almost look arabic in that top photo..very msyterious
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