Father and son looking very much alike!
It is Sunday night here in the Munoz house, and that means comfy trousers on and feet up. It has been a busy week here, as we have been working on getting our Visa's and have been getting ready for some out of town visitors. Daniel has just gone through a little growth spurt and has shot up what seem like a few inches, I will measure him this week to check. Last week he was eating like a grown man, one day after lunch he asked for a banana...and after he fininshed asked for another...and then one more...3 bananas! But he didn't stop there, after that he ate a plum and a nectarine, and at dinner had a burger and a half, and topped it all off with one more bannana. Don't worry he normally does not eat like this. He seemed to have sleep the better part of the week, his little body was busy growing, noticible difference.
He is asking alot of questions, loves going back and forth from his room to the Kitchen and asking "Hey Mama, what you doing? I say "Hi Daniel, I'm just washing up." and he says, "wow, washing up? Cool." He is alot of fun. Jesse Is growing fast too, following Daniel all around the house wanting to play like a big boy, cruisining along all of the furniture.